Can I Put My Puppy In A Cart At PetSmart?

Thinking about taking your adorable puppy along on your next shopping trip to PetSmart? You may be wondering if it’s allowed to have your furry friend with you in a cart as you browse through the aisles. Well, the good news is that PetSmart is not only a pet-friendly store but also welcomes puppies in their carts. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why PetSmart allows puppies in carts and provide you with some tips on how to ensure a safe and enjoyable shopping experience for both you and your beloved four-legged companion.

Store Policy on Pets

At PetSmart, we strive to create a welcoming environment for all pet owners and their furry companions. We understand that pets are an important part of your family, and we want to make sure that you can enjoy your shopping experience with them. That’s why we have developed a store policy on pets to ensure the safety and comfort of all customers and their pets.

Pets Allowed in Store

PetSmart is a pet-friendly store, which means that you are more than welcome to bring your pets with you when you visit. We believe that pets should be included in as many aspects of your life as possible, and that includes shopping. Whether you have a small lap dog, a curious kitten, or a lively puppy, they are all welcome to join you on your shopping trip.

Leashed Pets

To ensure the safety of all pets and customers, we require that all pets be kept on a leash at all times while inside our store. This allows you to have control over your pet and prevents any potential accidents or conflicts with other pets. We understand that some pets may be more comfortable off-leash, but it is essential for everyone’s safety and peace of mind that all pets remain leashed while inside the store.

Pet Carrier Requirements

For pets that are not comfortable being on a leash or may be too small to walk around, we require them to be in a pet carrier while inside the store. This helps ensure their safety and prevents them from getting lost or injured. We recommend using a sturdy carrier that is well-ventilated and secure, providing a comfortable space for your pet to relax and observe their surroundings while you shop.

Bringing a Puppy to PetSmart

If you have a puppy, bringing them to PetSmart can be a fun and exciting experience for both of you. However, there are a few things to consider before you bring your furry friend along.

Age Restrictions

For the safety and well-being of your puppy, we recommend waiting until they are at least 8 weeks old before bringing them to PetSmart. Puppies younger than 8 weeks old are still developing their immune systems and may be more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. It’s important to give them time to grow and receive the necessary vaccinations before exposing them to new environments.

Vaccination Requirements

Before bringing your puppy to PetSmart, make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations. This includes their core vaccinations such as rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. Vaccinations protect your puppy from potentially life-threatening diseases and help ensure the safety of other pets in the store. It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your puppy.

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Bringing your puppy to PetSmart can be a great opportunity for socialization. It exposes them to new sights, sounds, and smells, helping them develop positive associations with different environments. However, it’s important to monitor your puppy’s behavior and comfort level. If they become overwhelmed or anxious, it’s best to give them a break and let them adjust at their own pace. Gradually increase the duration of your visits as your puppy becomes more comfortable.

Handling a Puppy in the Store

When handling your puppy in the store, it’s important to be mindful of their safety and the safety of others. Keep your puppy on a leash at all times and avoid letting them jump or run freely in the store. Make sure to keep a close eye on them and be ready to intervene if necessary. Remember, not all customers may be comfortable around dogs, so be respectful of their space and keep your puppy close to you.

Using a Cart at PetSmart

Using a cart at PetSmart can make shopping with your puppy more convenient and enjoyable. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

Cart Accessibility

At PetSmart, we understand the importance of accessibility. Our carts are designed to accommodate both you and your puppy comfortably. They are equipped with sturdy handles, smooth-rolling wheels, and a spacious basket to fit all your shopping needs. Our carts are easily accessible and available for you to use during your visit.

Safety Concerns

While using a cart can be convenient, it’s crucial to ensure your puppy’s safety. Make sure that your puppy is securely in the cart and cannot jump or fall out. If your puppy is small enough to fit through the gaps in the cart, consider using a small towel or blanket to create a barrier between them and the openings. Additionally, make sure not to overload the cart with heavy items that could tip over or injure your puppy.

Alternatives to Using a Cart

If you prefer not to use a cart or if your puppy is too large or active to be comfortably contained in one, there are alternatives available. You can use a leash to guide your puppy through the store or carry them in your arms if they are small enough. Alternatively, you can also bring a pet carrier along and place your puppy in it while you shop. The key is to find a method that works best for both you and your puppy.

Benefits of Using a Cart

Using a cart at PetSmart can offer several benefits for both you and your puppy. Consider these advantages when deciding whether to use a cart during your visit.


Using a cart allows you to carry your purchases with ease while keeping your hands free to handle your puppy. It eliminates the need to juggle items and provides you with a more comfortable and efficient shopping experience. With a cart, you can focus on spending quality time with your puppy and finding the essentials they need.

Exposure to New Environments

Bringing your puppy in a cart exposes them to new environments and experiences. It allows them to observe different sights, sounds, and smells, which can contribute to their socialization and mental stimulation. The more your puppy is exposed to different environments, the more adaptable and well-rounded they will become. A cart provides a safe and controlled way for your puppy to explore their surroundings.

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Socialization Opportunities

Using a cart can also create opportunities for your puppy to socialize with other pets and people in the store. As you navigate the aisles, your puppy may encounter other dogs, cats, or even smaller pets like birds or fish. This exposure can help your puppy develop their social skills and learn to interact with different animals and people. Additionally, it can be a chance for you to engage in conversations with fellow pet owners and share experiences and advice.

Preparing Your Puppy for the Store

Before bringing your puppy to PetSmart, it’s essential to prepare them for the experience. Consider these tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable visit for both of you.

Leash Training

To make sure your puppy is comfortable walking on a leash, it’s crucial to invest time in leash training. Teach your puppy to walk calmly beside you without pulling or tugging. Practice in different settings and gradually increase the distractions to help your puppy become accustomed to different environments. Leash training will not only make your visit to PetSmart more manageable but also improve your puppy’s overall obedience and behavior.

Behavioral Training

Basic behavioral training is essential for your puppy’s safety and the comfort of others. Teach your puppy essential commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it.” This will help you maintain control over your puppy, especially in a busy store environment. Positive reinforcement techniques are highly effective in training puppies, so be sure to reward good behavior with praise, treats, or toys.

Comfortable Crate or Carrier

If you plan to use a pet carrier instead of a cart, make sure your puppy is comfortable and familiar with it. Introduce the carrier gradually, using positive reinforcement to create positive associations. Leave the carrier open and accessible in your home, allowing your puppy to explore and enter it voluntarily. Make the carrier a safe and cozy space by lining it with a soft blanket or adding a familiar toy.

Etiquette and Considerations

When bringing your puppy to PetSmart, it’s important to remember that you are sharing the space with other customers and their pets. Here are some etiquette tips and considerations to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

Respecting Other Shoppers

Not all shoppers may feel comfortable around dogs, so it’s important to respect their space and boundaries. Keep your puppy close to you and avoid allowing them to approach or jump on other customers without their consent. If someone expresses discomfort or asks to keep a distance, graciously comply and ensure that your puppy does not inconvenience or frighten others.

Cleaning Up After Your Puppy

Accidents happen, especially with puppies who are still in the process of house training. If your puppy has an accident while in the store, it’s crucial to clean up after them promptly. PetSmart provides waste disposal stations throughout the store for your convenience. By taking responsibility for your puppy’s mess, you help maintain a clean and pleasant environment for all customers and their pets.

Patience and Empathy

Bringing a puppy to a busy store can be overwhelming for both you and your furry friend. It’s important to practice patience and empathy. Understand that puppies are still learning and may exhibit excitement, nervousness, or curiosity. Be patient with their behavior and provide reassurance and positive reinforcement. Remember that every puppy has their own pace of adjustment, and it’s important to be understanding and supportive throughout their journey.

Alternatives to Taking Your Puppy to PetSmart

While it can be exciting to bring your puppy to PetSmart, it may not always be the best option for everyone. Here are some alternative ways to provide socialization and training opportunities for your puppy:

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Pet-Specific Stores

Consider visiting pet-specific stores that allow pets to explore and interact in a dedicated pet-friendly environment. These stores often offer a wide range of pet products, services, and even events specifically tailored for pets and their owners. It can be a great alternative to PetSmart, allowing your puppy to have a similar shopping experience in a more pet-focused environment.

Outdoor Socialization Opportunities

Take advantage of outdoor socialization opportunities for your puppy. Visit local parks, dog-friendly cafes, or even organize playdates with other pet owners. These activities provide your puppy with a chance to interact with different dogs, people, and environments. Remember to always prioritize their safety by ensuring they are properly supervised and introducing new experiences gradually.

Professional Training Classes

Enrolling your puppy in professional training classes can provide them with structured socialization and training opportunities. These classes are often led by experienced trainers who can guide you and your puppy through various exercises and activities. Training classes not only help your puppy develop essential skills but also offer a chance for you to learn how to effectively communicate and bond with your furry friend.

Consulting with a Vet or Trainer

Before making any decisions regarding your puppy’s involvement in store visits, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or professional trainer. They can assess your puppy’s health, behavior, and socialization needs, providing expert recommendations specific to your puppy’s individual circumstances.

Puppy’s Health and Safety

A veterinarian can ensure that your puppy is in good health and fit for participating in store visits. They can also advise you on necessary vaccinations, preventive treatments, and any potential health concerns specific to your puppy’s breed or age. Your puppy’s well-being should always be the top priority, and consulting with a vet will help ensure their safety and comfort.

Behavioral Evaluation

A professional trainer can assess your puppy’s behavior and temperament to determine their readiness for store visits. They can provide guidance on training techniques, socialization exercises, and overall behavior management. A behavioral evaluation can help you identify any potential challenges or areas of improvement, ensuring a positive and successful experience for both you and your puppy.

Expert Recommendations

Both veterinarians and trainers have extensive knowledge and experience working with puppies and can offer expert recommendations tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s advice on training methods, handling techniques, or alternative socialization opportunities, their expertise can be invaluable in making informed decisions for your puppy’s well-being and development.

Considering Your Puppy’s Comfort

While bringing your puppy to PetSmart can be an exciting adventure, it’s important to prioritize their comfort and well-being throughout the experience. Consider the following factors before deciding to bring your puppy to the store.

Temperature Control

Ensure that the store environment is suitable for your puppy’s comfort. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can be harmful to puppies. If the weather is too hot or too cold, it may be best to postpone your visit or opt for alternative socialization opportunities. Always prioritize your puppy’s safety and make decisions that will keep them comfortable and happy.

Length of Time in the Store

Puppies have a limited attention span and can become easily fatigued or overstimulated, especially in a busy store environment. Consider the length of time you plan to spend in the store and adjust accordingly. Keep the visit brief and gradually increase the duration as your puppy becomes more accustomed to the environment. Monitoring their behavior and body language can help you determine when it’s time to take a break or end the visit.

Stress and Overstimulation

A busy store environment can be overwhelming for a young puppy. Pay close attention to their behavior and stress signals, such as excessive panting, pacing, or hiding. If your puppy appears stressed or overstimulated, it’s best to remove them from the situation and give them time to calm down in a quieter and familiar environment. Always prioritize your puppy’s well-being and never force them to endure stressful situations.


Bringing your puppy to PetSmart can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to consider their safety, comfort, and the well-being of others. By following our store policy, preparing your puppy, and practicing good etiquette, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable visit for both you and your furry friend. Remember to consult with professionals, prioritize your puppy’s health and safety, and always make decisions that are in their best interest. Happy shopping and bonding with your puppy at PetSmart!